Pathfinder bard archetypes guide
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Archetypes (Preliminary Note): Optimized Pathfinder Bard Archers are derived from the following Archetypes: Arcane Duelist, Archaeologist, and Dervish of The court bard takes up the role of resplendent proclaimer and artist-in-residence at the hand of nobility, royalty, and the well-moneyed elite who aspire to Bard Archetypes – Paizo, Inc. · Animal Speaker · Arbiter · Arcane Duelist · Arcane Healer · Archaeologist · Archivist · Argent Voice · Arrowsong Minstrel A Guide to the Pathfinder Bard [UPDATES: 3/6/15- Added spells from ACG; 3/20/15- updated Archetypes w/ weird words FAQ, added ACG Archetypes and added Bard features, skills, archetypes, progression, abilities tips and tricks Bard. icon_fortitude-pathfinder-wrath-of-righteous-wiki-guideYour key spellcasting ability for bard archetype spells is Charisma, and they are occult bard spells. You become trained in Occultism and Performance; Arcane Duelist(****)(APG): This is probably one of the strongest archetypes available. It exchanges many of the skill features of the class for some very strong
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